Geo5 was pleased to support the Pangeo-DEUQUA 2024 conference in Salzburg. This year, the Pangeo meeting took place together with the biennial conference of the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA).
More InfoThe Braunau-Simbach geothermal power plant is a showcase project for modern and environmentally friendly energy supply. To this end, seismic measurements were carried out by Geo5 GmbH in Braunau and St. Peter am Hart in March 2024.
More InfoTo investigate the geology of the Florian Basin, the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government commissioned the engineering company Geo5 GmbH from Leoben to carry out geophysical investigations in Groß St. Florian and Gussendorf.
More InfoAppropriate solutions for the central challenges of the necessary energy turnaround are being developed in the lead project Fossilfree4Industry and serve to implement regional and prototype model solutions.
More InfoThe Cells4Energy project promotes a cell approach as a solution for operating a stable power grid that must establish a dynamic balance between power supply and power consumption.
More InfoThe potential of deep geothermal energy in Tyrol - The carbonates of the Northern Limestone Alps are considered possible hydrothermal deep aquifers in Tyrol.
More InfoGeophysical investigations for a heat store in the Weitendorf basalt quarry near Wildon.
More InfoIn addition to the digitalization of analog data, Geo5 also offers the vectorization of seismic reflection data using its own software solution.
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